Sunday, June 18, 2006

I am named afer a king a dead king

Yes i was named afher a king, a dead king... King David of the bible and i like that fact. Today in Church- Pasiter Michncl Wiilem's sermen was on the story in the Bible of samnel at Jessie's farm looking for a king afher he went toguh all the older kids he asked Jessie if there was more and jessie said "there david " and when sammel came to david God Said "this is the one and ahouted him king of Israel David while not perfciot went on to be Israel's best king ever the point mike wanted to make was that we are alll called to Serve God, no matter who we are My close friend ,Emily Gregory Whom i was sittting with said that was the best serman she has heard at FUMC-Hendersonville I argeed with her God has lead me to volenteering with youth and I feel this is my calling

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Wow what a game

That I just saw- Ghana just gave the soccer world a shock! They beat the Czech Rep 2-0 and saving the USA's butt so Thank you Ghana! We will have to take care of business today vs Italy. But win lose or draw we are still in it.. For now

However my Man of the Match goes to the Czech Goalkeeer Cech. That is the best goalkeeper I saw since David Seaman played

Ok gotta eat and then prepare to cheer on my Homeland on


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Today's llok at clubs who have players in the world cup -Suwon bulewings

go here for the hiostory of my fave club in south korea the Suwon Bluewings! a lil Baclkground on why this is my fave south Koeea team a few years ago in the game fifa 2003 the k leage was on there and Suwon was the only decet team on there i stsarted folllwing them and havent looked back

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Pregame Cubs Vs Astros 6/7/06

Today one of our decent pitchers Marshalll goes up vs a Housten Unknown Sampen who has not pitched yet this year. I just hope June is better then May,winch by far was our worst month ever in a long time 7-22 we lost half of the may games I hope today starts a rebound for us, we are Next to last in the stnadings and need to carwl out of the hole we are in i am about to go wacth it but i hope when i post afher the game that it will be a happy one

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

congrats to Andrew Haag

Andrew Haag wins award and scholarship

it's really a happy day when one of the young people I am friends with wins a award for vsome money to help pay for school this guys is a intepseren to me in my life his bro Brent and i were friends in 7th grade and his bro was in 6th his brother died in a car accident so I always reamber him in my heart exleety this was 1st classmate to die on me he would have been a great football at HHS had he lived there is no grreater love then that bretween close friends Well done Andrew I am pould of you
This is a new home for my rants about sports, friends, faith,News,and Life dare to read and sorry for the spelling typos. they aper more offfen then you like