* the Tour De France has been hit with droping scancels again - No surpise here..it's seams likes it's happpening every year. It's becomeing the Tour De Frace acording to CNN
* Since i last posted the Cubs has really turned thier season around. They Avolded the June Swoon, Winning a majorey of thier Games
* I am reading The Book of Proverbs in Sunday School. Me, Chris and Phill think there are too many versons of the Bible out there and the older versons are too hard to read. I peefer the NRV thank you very much
* congrats to my best friend Paige and her hubby Rex on their Mairrige Over the Weekend I was unable to Atterd due to seating issies ( and i gl;adey backed out so Rex's friedns and family cound have a extia invite) and i had a Death in the family
* Gavin's not a harry potter nut -read his blog for more
* i was sad to hear one of the Leeds blogs closed and the Preds blog did too in the past year really sad ...
* ESPN's Who's Now thing is not the way to dearemine thye best acthle in the world